April 28, 2012
University of Delaware, Newark

This is the first in a series of annual meetings which aim to display the research diversity of computational mathematics in Maryland, Delaware and vicinity.


There is no registration fee. The deadline for registration was April 15.

Registered Participants


The conference was held in 101 Brown Laboratory, see also


All participants should park on Lot 19, see

We have mailed parking permits to all participants requesting them. In case you haven't received your parking permit: please park and come to Brown Lab to get a permit.


Talks with abstracts, links and references

10:00 Daniel Szyld (Temple University):
Inexact and truncated parareal-in-time Krylov subspace methods for parabolic optimal control problems
10:20 Edward Phillips (U of Maryland, College Park):
Block preconditioners for an exact penalty viscoresistive MHD formulation
10:40 Ana Maria Soane (U of Maryland, Baltimore County):
Multigrid solution of a distributed optimal control problem constrained by the Stokes equations
11:00 BREAK
11:30 Tobin Driscoll (U of Delaware):
Optimal interval splitting for spectral interpolation
11:50 Qifeng Liao (U of Maryland, College Park):
Reduced basis collocation methods for partial differential equations with random coefficients
12:10 Manuel Solano (U of Delaware):
Solving Dirichlet boundary-value problems on general domains
12:30 LUNCH (will be provided)
  1:30 Claudio Canuto (Politecnico di Torino, Italy):             INVITED SPEAKER
Adaptive Fourier-Galerkin methods
  2:30 BREAK
  3:00 Lise-Marie Imbert (LJLL - UPMC, Paris, France):
A generalized plane wave numerical method for magnetic plasma
  3:20 Miao-Jung (Yvonne) Ou (U of Delaware):
Cartesian-grid finite volume modeling of wave propagation in anisotropic poroelastic media
  3:40 Harbir Antil (U of Maryland, College Park):
Application-specific fast, high accuracy reduced order quadratures and gravitational waves
  4:00 BREAK
  4:30 Enrique Otarola (U of Maryland, College Park):
A FEM for the fractional Laplace operator
  4:50 Prince Chidyagwai (Temple University):
Discontinuous Galerkin method for 2D moment closures for radiative transfer
  5:10 Abner Salgado (U of Maryland, College Park):
Convergence and optimality of a goal oriented adaptive FEM
  5:30 END

Organizing Committee

Ricardo H. Nochetto (U of Maryland, College Park)
Petr Plechac (U of Delaware)
Francisco-Javier Sayas (U of Delaware)
Tobias von Petersdorff (U of Maryland, College Park)